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Showing posts from January, 2006

Bollywood or Bust

I just got a letter of invitation from the Mumbai International Film Festival. My film has been selected to screen in-competition and they want me in Bombay next week! They're paying for my accommodation and ScreenWest will (probably) come to the party for the flight. When I get there, it'll be bread and water for tea! All this is right after me doing a podcast called Filmaking is the new rock 'n' roll . I had no idea that filmmaking really could be the new rock n roll. It's definately a rock n roll lifestyle - shooting off to exotic locations at the drop of a hat. It's not a rock n roll lifestyle in that you don't get paid. Filmmakers don't have managers. Well, this one doesn't. I actually have the flu right now (so stand back a bit) so wasn't feeling in the mood to go anywhere. But the thing is - you can't really not accept such an invitation. How often does such an opportunity come around? I've had films in festivals before, but I...